How to disable SIP in Enterprise Browser 1.5 on MC32N0 Android

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L Levi Lima 3 years 10 months ago
13 1 0

Hi all,
Anyone knows how we can disable the SIP in Enterprise Browser 1.5 on MC32N0 with Android? I have a customer that wants to disable the SIP for all the pages and not using the API for each page.
Is it possible?

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1 Replies

S Sabir Valappil Thattath

Hi Levi,

This is not supported yet in EB Android. However we have a SIP hide API to hide the SIP panel as documented here.

Sip - Zebra Technologies Techdocs

But hide method does not permanently disable the SIP, it simply hides it until the focus returns to a text input field, which causes it to reappear.
So I believe we cannot do anything more here. If you feel this requirement is unavoidable please consult the support engineering team, sothat they may have a look on feasibility.

Thanks & Regards,
Sabir VT

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