Barcode APIs with Visual Studio 2015 and Xamarin

C CC Radu 3 years 10 months ago
6 0 0

Hello everybody,
I want to use Visual studio 2015 and to develop application for android in xamarin .
I downloaded the sorce from : Barcode APIs - Zebra Technologies Techdocs   . I have 0 errors , o warnings after build but when i want to run the the application do not want to start and show me this output :
Android application is debugging.
The application could not be started. Ensure that the application has been installed to the target device and has a launchable activity (MainLauncher = true).
Additionally, check Build->Configuration Manager to ensure this project is set to Deploy for this configuration.
Do anybody knows if i want to make other changes to work on VS 2015 with Xamarin 4.2.1 ?
Thanks and i hope to heve some answers .

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