ZSDK - iOS with PCX images

// Expert user has replied.
J Josh Vance 3 years 10 months ago
23 1 0

Hello -
I'm attempting to include a PCX image on a label using the ZSDK.  For our Android solution, everything is working...  I use storeImage to copy a file from the Android device to the printer and it saves on the printer as as a .pcx file.  Then I use the CPCL PCX command (ie 'PCX90 100 100 !

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1 Replies

M Manuel Caicedo-Rivera

Hello Mark,

Please, could you tell us if the printer has configured the printer language in CPCL or LINE_PRINT, also if you can share the CPCL code?

Technically, the LINK-OS SDK will be selecting the type of format in PCX or GRF to be stored depending on the printer language of the printer.



PD: CPLC is one of our Legacy printer languages. We are recommending to developers migrate from CPCL to ZPL due to that ZPL will be the only printer language that will be supported in the future with improvement and new features.

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