Symbol.RFID3.DLL updated to .net 4.5?

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J Jeff McNees 3 years 10 months ago
449 4 0

I have an application that has been working for a long time written in c# targeting .Net 4.0.  When I updated to target the .Net 4.5 I am suddenly getting Arithmetic Overflow Exceptions from the Symbol.RFID3.dll on connect.
  at Symbol.RFID3.CAPIAccess.GetReaderCaps(IntPtr readerHandle, ReaderCapabilities readerCaps)
   at Symbol.RFID3.ReaderCapabilities.GetReaderCaps()
   at Symbol.RFID3.RFIDReader.PostConnectInitialize()
   at SymbolRFID.DeviceControl.CanConnect()
The problem lies in the fact that the Symbol.RFID3.DLL tries to convert an IntPtr to an int.  Are there plans to update this dll or is there a work around for this?

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4 Replies

J Joe Talbot

Any help here, would be *VERY* appreciated. We need to build against .NET 4.5 for our new Zebra MC3330R and MC3390R, which REQUIRE .NET 4.5 or later. We also must have the Symbol.RFID3.dll for our backwards-compatibility for old readers.
So we really need this built against a more modern framework.

L Loren Sederburg

The issue is with .NET 4.0+ and Windows 8/10.  The Symbol.RFID3.Host.dll works with .NET 4.0+ on Windows 7.  The dll also works for versions of .NET up to 3.5 as you've previously observed.  I'll look in to any work around for this scenario.

L Loren Sederburg

I can look in to this exception for you.  Can you provide the following information?

Host Platform OS:
Target Device Model:
Device Firmware Version:
Visual Studio Version:
SDK Version:
EMDK Version:
Connection Type:

P Pavel Vinkler

We have same problem. Do you have any solve for it?

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