I building App on Xamarin.Forms.
How to get rawdata from Datawedge on App with Xamarin ?
I use Broadcastreceiver and Intent Action.
DATA_STRING_TAG -> GetStringExtra
Thank you.
How to get rawdata from DataWedge on App with Xamarin ? |
1 Replies
I have not used Xamarin Forms yet, but the below works in a regular Xamarin app. I have also attached the whole project in case that helps.
using System;
using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.Runtime;
using Android.Views;
using Android.Widget;
using Android.OS;
using Java.IO;
namespace DwMultiActivity
[Activity(Label = "DwMultiActivity", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@drawable/icon", LaunchMode = Android.Content.PM.LaunchMode.SingleInstance)]
public class MainActivity : Activity
private static String SOURCE_TAG = "com.symbol.datawedge.source";
private static String DATA_STRING_TAG = "com.symbol.datawedge.data_string";
private static String LABEL_TYPE_TAG = "com.symbol.datawedge.label_type";
private static TextView tvScanData;
Button btnScan;
private handleBarcode mHandleBarcode;
private static Button btnNextActivity;
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
mHandleBarcode = new handleBarcode();
// Set our view from the "main" layout resource
tvScanData = FindViewById(Resource.Id.tvScanData);
TextView tvAct = FindViewById(Resource.Id.tvCurrentActivity); //this is just to show which activity is on the screen
tvAct.Text = this.ComponentName.ShortClassName.Split('.')[1]; //this is just to show which activity is on the screen
btnScan = FindViewById(Resource.Id.btnScan);
btnNextActivity = FindViewById(Resource.Id.btnNextActivity);
btnScan.Click += delegate
Intent i = new Intent();
i.PutExtra("com.symbol.datawedge.api.EXTRA_PARAMETER", "START_SCANNING");
btnNextActivity.Click += delegate
protected override void OnResume()
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter("com.zebra.silva.dwmultiactivityexample.RECVR");
RegisterReceiver(mHandleBarcode, filter);
protected override void OnPause()
public void installDwProfile()
// copy datawedge profile from assets to autoimport folder on device. This should only need to be done once enless someone actually removes the profile in datawedge
var tempPath = "/enterprise/device/settings/datawedge/dwprofile_DwMultiActivityTest.db"; // copy it here first and fix permissions before moving to autoimport
var filePath = "/enterprise/device/settings/datawedge/autoimport/dwprofile_DwMultiActivityTest.db";
using (var asset = Assets.Open("dwprofile_DwMultiActivityTest.db")) using (var dest = System.IO.File.Create(tempPath))
Java.IO.File file1 = new File(tempPath);
file1.SetReadable(true, false);
file1.SetWritable(true, false);
System.IO.File.Move(tempPath, filePath);
public class handleBarcode : BroadcastReceiver
public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent i)
// define a string that will hold our output
//String out = new String();
// get the source of the data
String sSource = i.GetStringExtra(SOURCE_TAG);
// save it to use later
if (sSource == null) sSource = "scanner";
// get the data from the intent
String sData = i.GetStringExtra(DATA_STRING_TAG);
// let's define a variable for the data length
int data_len = 0;
// and set it to the length of the data
if (sData != null) data_len = sData.Length;
// check if the data has come from the barcode scanner
if (sSource.ToLower().Equals("scanner"))
// check if there is anything in the data
if (sData != null && sData.Length > 0)
// we have some data, so let's get it's symbology
String sLabelType = i.GetStringExtra(LABEL_TYPE_TAG);
String temp = sSource + ":" + sLabelType + ":" + sData;
tvScanData.Text = sSource + ":" + sLabelType + ":" + sData;