EMDK ProfileManager

// Expert user has replied.
r roberto cottone 3 years 10 months ago
5 2 0

Hell all,
i work with visual studio and xamarin android.
we have a little app android who set some setting (wifi never sleep, screen off 30 min, and so on) on a device zebra TC75 with your EMDK Manager.
All works well => great....
I have two question relate to the EMDK :
1) we'd like to know if it's possible to save the pin code for a sim card ? if yes where i can find this setting ?
2) i would like to know how i can disable screen rotate ?
thanks for your time

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2 Replies

C Christophe BERNARD

Hello pietro,
great thanks for your reply ...
you save my time , that's so nice to find some help here and fast reply

we have buy 700 devices zebra TC 75 and we try to find the right way for to setup all device 
too much work ...

have a nice day and thanks for your time

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Christophe,
to answer your question:
1. is it possible to save PIN code?
No, it's not possible
2. How can I disable screen rotate?
A normal Android application can change this settings. Here you can find a sample app and how to use it from StageNow. The same code can be integrated in your Xamarin App.


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