Browser Print Next Steps

r roberto cottone 3 years 10 months ago
89 1 0

I have installed Zebra Browser Print and have gotten both of the examples to work correctly with my GK420d printer; printing both a phrase as well as an image to the printer. I am now struggling with how to functionally use Browser Print to print formatted labels to the printer. I have tried to piece it together and it seems like using ZDesigner to upload a template to the printer then use the template is the way to go. I saw that this seemed to be the suggested method of doing this by watching Zebra DEV { TALK } - Interested in Connecting a Printer to a Web App? - YouTube  and seeing the slide around 7:47 that implies this. I found helpful information regarding getting the template setup and on the printer in Zebra Dev {Talk} Label Design – Creating Unique, Clear Labels For Your App - YouTube  but I now am not sure how to get Browser Print to effectively use the template with all of the information that needs to be sent? Where would I find documentation for getting this setup?

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1 Replies

J James Borton

I have done more testing with this and have found that I can simply take the ZPL after creating the label, and push it to the printer using the Browser Print functionality, which works great. One problem that I am running into is that an image doesn't seem to print at all when I do this. I can create the label in ZDesigner and print it and the image prints fine. I can send the zpl file directly to the printer using the Printing Preferences -> Tools -> Action -> - Send File command and the image prints. I can test it using  and the image shows up there as well. When I send the ZPL string to the printer using Browser Print, everything prints except for the image. Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong in this scenario? Is printing images like this not supported using Browser Print? I realize there is a command for Browser Print to print images separately from sending a string of text, but how would I combine those to print both my image and the text that I need? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have included the zpl that is generated below that seems to work everywhere I have tried except through Browser Print.

CT~~CD,~CC^~CT~^XA~TA000~JSN^LT0^MNW^MTD^PON^PMN^LH0,0^JMA^PR5,5~SD15^JUS^LRN^CI0^XZ^XA^MMT^PW609^LL0406^LS0^FO448,96^GFA,04480,04480,00020,:Z64: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:5360^FT409,148^A0R,28,28^FH\^FDCustomer^FS^FT378,99^A0R,34,33^FB208,1,0,C^FH\^FDCustomerName^FS^FT463,123^A0R,39,38^FB160,1,0,C^FH\^FDItemName^FS^FT351,141^A0R,28,28^FH\^FDConsultant^FS^FT319,91^A0R,34,33^FB224,1,0,C^FH\^FDConsultantName^FS^FT292,170^A0R,28,28^FH\^FDBatch^FS^FT261,164^A0R,34,33^FB78,1,0,C^FH\^FDBatch^FS^FT233,136^A0R,28,28^FH\^FDShip Group^FS^FT202,172^A0R,34,33^FB62,1,0,C^FH\^FDShip^FS^BY3,3,97^FT70,68^BCR,,Y,N^FD>;112336>68^FS^PQ1,0,1,Y^XZ

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