TC55 - Tethering

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J James Thurlow 3 years 10 months ago
4 1 0

Hi wondering if anyone in this wise community can help me.  I have a number of TC55's which have roaming SIM cards so they work across all UK mobile networks.  The cost for data is relatively high, but we are not pushing that much data through and to have access to all networks is a big plus.
We are playing with stage now to restrict which apps can be used and which are loaded on start-up.  Also to set APN / Wifi access.
I've looked everywhere but I can't seem to find a way to stop a user from enabling tethering.  I can switch off access to some of these menus but thing is I do want users to be able to connect to local Wifi and potentially pair on bluetooth.  And switching off menu options restricts access to these important settings.
Any ideas?  Pretty please.

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1 Replies

M Mark Jolley

HI James,
There is not an MX feature to disable this easily but there maybe a workaround.
Have you tried Enterprise Home Screen?
Here you can disable the top bar from being allowed to be used (and this restricts the access to the hotspot via there) Then you can set restricted settings (Im not 100% sure what that would mean on a TC55 ) would need to see if that solved it
​ might have some other ideas too?

Can’t find what you’re looking for?