Getting strange errors when I try to implement certain methods in the C# SDK

J Joshua Preston 3 years 10 months ago
32 1 0

I am using the example C# code from Zebra Technologies - Card ID Printing – Zebra Card SDK for ZXP Series 3 Printers – C# . The SDK has a very steep learning curve. I am copying some of the code and implementing it in my own application and am running into a few really weird errors:
Unable to Open connection to Zebra ZXP Series 3 USB Card Printer (redirected 3) ERROR = 61
Printing InitGraphics Error: 65017
Printing DrawText Error: 8023
Printing PrintGraphics Error: 65
I'm almost positive all of these errors stem from the first Error. Where can I find a reference sheet for these errors? rwest

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1 Replies

S Stephen Troup

Are you trying to access a printer over a remote desktop / terminal server link or from a virtual machine? As I believe that isn't supported in the SDK, it has to be on the connected directly via usb or via an ethernet connection.

If the code

             object _deviceList = null;
            ZXPPRINTERLib.Job job = new ZXPPRINTERLib.Job();
                job.GetPrinters(ZXPPRINTERLib.ConnectionTypeEnum.All, out _deviceList);
                _deviceList = null;

                    } while (Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(j) > 0);

doesn't find it then it won't work.

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