ZEBRA TC 75 =>key programmer REMAP with xml file

// Expert user has replied.
r roberto cottone 3 years 10 months ago
128 5 0

Hello all,
we work with visual studio 2015 and xamarin.
We have buy 700 devices zebra TC 75 and for some reason some users would like to have the scan button on the right side => replace the volume by the scan.
Of course, for each device, we can change manually these option in the settings key programmers => but for 700 devices that's pretty boring ...
We see that it's possible to REMAP button with a XML config file locate on the device folder => entreprise/device/settings/keypad
We have build a little xml file as this


and drag and drop this xml file on this folder => entreprise/device/settings/keypad
But each time , we receive an error as this : detected invalid kew config xml reverting back to the last know good state
Any idea of how to REMAP button with a xml file
Thanks for your time

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5 Replies

C Christophe BERNARD

Hello Pietro,

that's nice with this all complete documentation i can do that.

thanks for all

C Christophe BERNARD

Hello all,
happy new year to all, best wish without problem

@mark jolley => thanks for your time but i've copy paste your code and place it on the device at two location as you mentionned.
But every time i have the error message as i mentionned in the begining of this post.

@pietro francesco maggi,
here is it the screen shot of my device .
I see on the print screen it a device TC75FK ?
TC75FK = TC75X ? if yes could you tell me how i can do for modify the button of scan because we have some user who use the left hand
and some others users would like scan with the right button.

Thanks for all

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Christophe,
your device is a TC75x. The file method (exporting and importing a configuration works on the original TC75, these new devices have a more secure way to remap the keys using our Mx layer:
About MX - Zebra Technologies TechDocs
To configure the keyboard you can use a configuration profile either through EMDK or through Stagenow (or an MDM if you use one that supports Mx Profiles):

Here some documentation for the relevant Key Mapping Manager profile: KeyMapping Manager - Zebra Technologies TechDocs

Here an EMDK example to set a profile with Xamarin: Your First EMDK For Xamarin Application - Zebra Technologies TechDocs
This tutorial is about setting the clock, but setting the Key Mapping is very similar.

You can test the attached StageNow barcode that should set the Volume Up and Volume Down keys as scanner trigger (sorry, I don't have a device with me on my current trip and cannot tests it right now).

You can find more information on StageNow here: Device Staging - Zebra Technologies TechDocs


r roberto cottone

Hi, this is not an answer per se but did you see the documentation for Button Remapping in the integrator guide?  https://www.zebra.com/content/dam/zebra_new_ia/en-us/manuals/mobile-com… Section 6-9.  It states "Note It is not recommended to remap the scan button", so perhaps it is not possible.  You could try exporting a successful configuration as explained in the integrator guide and comparing it with your XML.  Also, the folder is enterprise/..., not entreprise/... but I presume that is a typo in your question.

C Christophe BERNARD

Hello darryn,
thanks for your fast reply, yes i have this document great ...

Thanks for the idea for export the file but it's not possible ?
when i go to settings / Key Programmer i have just the list of the button who are programmer ....and i don't have the choice to export it ...

Yes sorry it's enterprise and not entreprise

Any others idea ?

thanks for your help

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