TC8000 NFC sample

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K Karen Bench 3 years 10 months ago
15 1 0

The Secure NFC sample at "Secure NFC - Zebra Technologies TechDocs " says it is for TC75 KK. Should this sample work with the TC8000 that does have NFC? I can build and run the example on the TC8000 but can't read from my NFC card. Is this the right examle project for the TC8000?

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1 Replies

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Karen,
The Secure NFC API included in Zebra's Android EMDK is only intended to be used with a TC75 to read/write Secure NFC cards (for ticketing or payments).

To read/write normal NFC tag you can use the standard Android's NFC API and the relevant sample available on Android's developer website:
NFC Basics | Android Developers


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