Persistent scanning

S Shahzoor Ali 3 years 10 months ago
4 1 0

I am working on a app functionality for mobile devices (iOS and Android) that doesn't closes the scanner once it scans the UPC barcode. The app should be able to scan multiple barcodes and keep on handling the information in the background. Currently, it closes the scanner on each item barcode scans.
Is this possible to achieve?
Thanks. !

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone


I believe your best option would be to look at the effect of the "continuous" checkbox on our BarcodeSample1 sample: Barcode APIs - Zebra Technologies TechDocs , that will resubmit the scan read after each successful scan.

There are also additional trigger modes that allow you to capture multiple barcodes with a single trigger press if that is what you are looking to do - check out the documentation for aim type for more information on those: ScannerConfig.AimType (app API)


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