Zebra QLn420 - Printer Not discovered through Network

S Srikanth Thiagarajan 3 years 10 months ago
71 0 0

Hello,I am creating a Xamarin.Forms Cross-Platform mobile application using c# .NET in iOS, and I am trying to integrate the printing functionality through Wi-Fi. Just to give a background - I was able to successfully connect the printer through Bluetooth and the printing works fine. But now, I am trying to implement the same through network/Wi-Fi. I was able to successfully connect the printer to the Wi-Fi and the printer shows the Wi-Fi signal strength and I use this following code to find the printers:
private void StartNetworkDiscovery()
            OnStatusMessage("Discovering Network Printers");
                IDiscoveryEventHandler nwhandler = DiscoveryHandlerFactory.Current.GetInstance();
                nwhandler.OnDiscoveryError += DiscoveryHandler_OnDiscoveryError;
                nwhandler.OnDiscoveryFinished += DiscoveryHandler_OnDiscoveryFinished;
                nwhandler.OnFoundPrinter += DiscoveryHandler_OnFoundPrinter;
                connectionType = ConnectionType.Network;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Starting Network Discovery");
            catch (Exception e)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Network Exception: " + e.Message);
But for some reason, the network printer is not discovered. On Found printer, I add the printer to a list that's displayed in the mobile device. But currently, it is just not displaying any printer information.
Any help to guide me move forward will be appreciated.

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