Android - problems with socket.connect

M Maurizio Molinari 3 years 10 months ago
329 1 0

Good morning,
i'm trying to print labels from my custom Android application.
The problems is that when i try to create a Bluetooth Socket and connect it, i'v receive an Exception:
IOException: read failed, socket might closed or timeout
Can anyone help me ?

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone

Hi Maurizio, Many things can cause this exception.  It basically means the system can't find the printer you are telling it to connect to.  I'm going to assume the printer is on and within 30 feet of the Android device.  Some common other things to check are:
Is Bluetooth setup right on the printer?  Use Printer Setup app to verify.
Does your app have permission to talk over Bluetooth.  Check the Manifest files in our sample apps to verify you have all the correct permissions.  
After that, please post some code to show how you are attempting to connect.
- Robin

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