Problem using EMDK for Android getting ClassNotFoundException

r roberto cottone 3 years 10 months ago
151 1 0

I'm using the latest release of the Android EMDK with Android Studio version 2.3. 
I've imported the com.symbol.emdk.jar file and added it as a dependency to my project.
I've added to my manifest.
Then when I implement the EMDKListener on my main activity as follows:
public class GLinkInstallActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements EMDKListener
and then add the implemented methods, I get the ClassNotFoundException when I try to execute the application.  Removing the "implements EMDKListener" will fix the problem, but that defeats the purpose.
My build.gradle file is as follows:
apply plugin: ''android {
  compileSdkVersion 25   buildToolsVersion "26.0.2"   defaultConfig {
  applicationId "com.zebra.glinkinstall"   minSdkVersion 19   targetSdkVersion 23   versionCode 1   versionName "1.0"   testInstrumentationRunner ""   }
  buildTypes {
  release {
  minifyEnabled false   proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''   }
  productFlavors {
dependencies {
  compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
  androidTestCompile('', {
  exclude group: '', module: 'support-annotations'   })
  compile ''   compile ''   testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'   provided project(':com.symbol.emdk')
Any ideas as to what I'm missing?

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone

Solved my own problem.  Wish the EMDK group would document this in their help files.  In order to include com.symbol.emdk.jar into a project, you need to:

Use "Import Module" to import the jar into your Android Studio Project.
Modify the AndroidManifest.xml for your application to include the permission "

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