GK420d prints everything as text

C Chris Southall 3 years 10 months ago
65 5 0

Attempting to send epl appears to 'break' the printer. I have two printers that were both cheerfully printing ZPL using a windows generic text driver, that now will only print whatever is sent to it as text - this includes reset commands sent from the set up utility and an attempt to update the firmware resulted in the machine printing out the contents of the binary. A factory reset from the line feed button also has no effect. Does anybody have any ideas as I now have two machines that are effectively 'bricked'. A snippet of the epl that I sent to the machine is :

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5 Replies

A Ary Herijanto


This link might be helped you to solve GitHub - aherijanto/Zebra-Printer-Print-2-Columns-Label-: ZPL II With PHP Script To Print Label 2 Columns On Zebra Print…

C Chris Southall

Any suggestions as to how I take the machine out of line mode, if commands such as ! U1 getvar "device.languages" are interpreted as text and just printed rather than effecting a change ?

r roberto cottone

Please use ! U1 getvar "device.languages" to check what the printer language setting is on the printer. Most likely, it was accidentally set to line print mode. If it is line print mode, we need to use ! U1 setvar "device.languages" "epl" to set it back to EPL if we want to print EPL.

C Chris Southall

Hi Steven,

If from the Zebra Setup Utility, from the 'Open Communication With Printer' window I enter ! U1 getvar "device.languages" in the top  text area, when I click Send To Printer, the machine just prints the string ! U1 getvar "device.languages". Likewise for ! U1 setvar.

r roberto cottone

Then you could use Zebra Setup Utility -> Configure Printer Settings to set the printer language.

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