Is this EMDK zebra Android App supports for Samsung S series devices?

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p prakash govindasamy 3 years 9 months ago
2 2 0

I am going to develop an Scanner application for Zebra and non Zebra(Android Mobiles). So, Is this EMDK zebra Android App supports for Samsung S series devices?

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2 Replies

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Zebra's EMDK for Android only supports Zebra's Android devices because it leverage features only available on those devices.

What you can do is to have a single application that can works on Zebra's devices (using the EMDK's features) and on other Android devices (but without leveraging the EMDK features).

This is explained in this guide:
EMDK for Android Programming Practices - Zebra Technologies TechDocs


p prakash govindasamy

Which means i can't use the zebra SDK for scanner on non- zebra(Mobile) devices?

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