Take picture using imager of MC55X

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S Soporte Sica 3 years 10 months ago
5 1 0

We are having problems to take a picture with photo camera (imager) of the MC55E0 using EMDK for .Net 2.9 or EMDK for C 2.8.
It's impossible to see preview or take picture even using precomiled samples downloaded from Zebra.
We are not newbies. We have been using EMDK for several years but and we are using a brand new device but it's not working.
It seems people in Zebra Spain support and Diode (spanish reseller) can´t understand us.
Can you help us?
Thanks in advance

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1 Replies

H Hector Meza

Sica, can you provide a little more detail on the issue you are having?

The MC55X has several configuration options, one of the configuration options includes both a Camera and a Barcode Imager.  Are you trying to access the camera or imager for the image?   Can you also provide some examples of the code you are using?

Sorry for the frustration  - but more details will help with a proper response.  

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