BITMAP Rotation in SAP Smartforms

S Shylesh Chilumula 3 years 10 months ago
121 0 0

Hi I am using the following command from Zebra Designer and trying to setup as a command in SAP smartforms.  But the logo/bitmap image is always printing at 0,0 origin thought I am using various FO options (like FO700, 250 or 200,200).

CONCATENATE '^FO700,250^GFA,01152,01152,00012,:Z64:' 'eJztkjFOw0AURGe9lklhgcsUFnGBqFK4oKCgSMU5LISoc4S1uJhFLsIRKNOF2fnfNidIxR9l9NZ2/o6/F/ivK1W8TAvvXs4L/' 'zzcpfmR9BHmh25xwtF5ixGt8zGMqXKeAlI0DIQpWKOICgOsUYUSHVe5SqrnKldNNVxZe1OuhtrwXq6eqvmfXB1VOg9UBQtxoApKcagIC5SokIJxzjVzVG4FTYUa' 'JMWv1FisbTrnWkGMtwpr3NA3f7h27vWixoMGYP0P9AK2bx5N9Ay6OyrbqCvGn1j5S36Sv8rf5O/yR/le/iR/lrc+29V3l1z25ecJQxFtqlBEmyQU2ia5XPJv7e+' 'FpUXt3C6bAzf8fTvzUEVvwwOE+xmZaD2HHvK69QuBrjl2:4298'  INTO lv_string.

The above format is generated by Zebra designer.  I used the same on zebra online viewed and showing exactly how I wanted but not printing on same position on printer.

One otherway I tried is



Can anyone please suggest what I am doing wrong?  FYI, I am using a yzb200 device type with landscape format.

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