we are working on an application using the Simulscan sdk, to scan Labels and retrieve information. Since the option to use the border of the label to identify the form detects different labeltypes as the same type, we wanted to switch to anchor barcodes. However, this leads to only the barcode being scanned and everything else being ignored. Additionally if the barcode is on the upper right side of the label, the green detection box is extending to the right outside of the frame. What are we doing wrong? Is there an option to identify the form using the barcodes but reading text with OCR as well?.
Benedikt Mättig
1 Replies
Hi Benedikt.
In order for me to see what is going on, I would need a copy of your Template (XML) as well as an example of what you want to capture information from. You can provide this information to me by filling out the SimulScan Template Builder Assistance Form -