Can't call Inventory.perform(RFIDReader, PostFilter, ...) in API3

D Dwight Fowler 3 years 10 months ago
13 1 0


I just updated my app from API3 the new API3 library. I have an existing call to start inventorying:

reader.Actions.Inventory.perform(myPostFilter, someTriggerInfo, myAntennaInfo);

Now my application can't compile. It's complaining about 'myPostFilter'. Apparently, the PostFilterInfo class doesn't exist anymore. I took a look at the com.zebra.rfid.api3.Inventory class and I found this:

public void perform(bh postFilterInfo, TriggerInfo triggerInfo, AntennaInfo antennaInfo)

Looking at the class, it appears to be a default-internal class
// // Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA // (powered by Fernflower decompiler) //package com.zebra.rfid.api3;class bh {     public TagPatternBase a;     public TagPatternBase b;     public bz c;     private FILTER_MATCH_PATTERN d;     private boolean e;     public FILTER_MATCH_PATTERN a() {         return this.d;     }     public boolean b() {         return this.e;     } }Is there some new way to call Inventory.perform?

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1 Replies

I Ifor Darby-Hoskin


I am very new to the SDK but I found this in the javadoc

perform(com.zebra.rfid.api3.PostFilter postFilterInfo, TriggerInfo triggerInfo, AntennaInfo antennaInfo)
Not Supported in the Android RFID SDK.

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