MC330M EMDK API calls for LED and vibration

P Peter Kastner 3 years 10 months ago
128 3 0


I am currently developing mobile apps for the Zebra MC3300 (P/N 1PMC330M-SN3HA2RW) and wondering how to control the LED and vibrator programmatically from my applicaton. Please point me in the right direction. So far, I've found the API Documentation to be unhelpful.

I was very eager to test the NotificationSample, however I am not interested in sending notifications for LED or vibrator to a remote device via bluetooth. That's not what this is about - I would like to control the Zebra MC3300's built-in LEDs and make the device vibrate programmatically inside my code. Device has been shipped with Android 7.1.2 Nougat (Android API Level 25). I've integrated the Zebra EMDK for Android inside AndroidStudio using the plugin, testet some of the android code samples successfully and would be willing to go the extra mile writing a wrapper class or creating another build version of the app if what I want to do is possible - which I sure hope so.

To put it in a nutshell - how can I control the Zebra MC33's built-in LED (color, on/off time) and vibrator (frequency, time....) from my application code?

Thanks for the help!

Best regards,


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3 Replies

S Salo Sugek

commenting so I can see thread

P Peter Kastner

What's the status on this issue? Can somebody please comment? Someone from the devs maybe? ​, Darryn Campbell, perhaps?

Could you please confirm my assumptions:

Does my Zebra MC33 support vibration? I assume it does not ship with a vibration motor. See my response to Brian. And if it does not support vibration, could you please confirm this, as I would like to inform our management about it with an official response.
Regarding the front LEDs - can they be controlled programmatically using the EMDK or does it not expose this functionality?


Best regards,


B Brian Moore


The vibration function can be controlled with the Android Vibrator Api: Vibrator  |  Android Developers
The LED can be controlled with the Android Noticication Api: Notification  |  Android Developers

Brian Moore
Software Engineer Kutir Mobility
Posted on behalf of Zebra Technologies

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