Hello everyone!
I'm following this example Manage USB Configurations - Zebra Technologies TechDocs to have ADB switched on application startup.
I'm doing everything step-by-step and reached a point where I cannot overcome error message:
-- Proxy API returned false for UsbADBUsage
The profile is applied if I change value for USBModuleUsage in example, but ADB does not let me to do so.
Does anyone know what can be the problem? Should I do something on the device as well?
I have Zebra TC51 with OSX version QCT.717.4.7 and MXMF version: Android version: 7.1.
My profile looks like this:
I'd be very thankful for any help!
1 Replies
USB Module Usage is a pre-requisite to configuring ADB so it needs to be enabled. If you add UsbModuleUsage to your profile so it contains both UsbModuleUsage and then also UsbADBUsage, does it work?
Javier Molina
Technical Architect, Kutir Mobility
Posted on behalf of Zebra Technologies