Scanning Modes (UDI and Single) are not working parallel in data wedge

k kels rathod 3 years 10 months ago
317 3 0


I am working on an android application and implemented data wedge.  In my screen, there are total three fields as below.

1). Item Number (GS1 (UDI) barcode type)
2). Organization (UPC-A barcode type)
3). Subinventory (UPC-A barcode type)

I have created a profile for data wedge. and configure it.  As per last discussion, for GS1 (UDI) barcode,  we have set UDI in scanning Modes.

So, when I have set UDI in scanning mode, GS1 (UDI) barcode type are working fine but the device is not able to scan UPC-A barcode type.

In my application, there are multiple types of the barcode will scan in one screen.  So, How can achieve this type of functionality.

In data wedge profile, there is only two value (Single and UDI) in scanning mode at reader params.  My data wedge version is 6.6.50.  I think I need to update my data wedge application.  How can update data wedge application?

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3 Replies

J Jan Ostrowski

I have exactly that same problem with UDI-GS1
But in my case there are products that have UDI and other no (because not all products need them now and some old one doth have any UDI) :/
either work USI or Single why tere is no option for both ?

J Javier Molina

In the DataWedge profile, see the "Decoders" section where you can select which symbologies you need to support. You can enable as many as you need.

Javier Molina
Technical Architect, Kutir Mobility
Posted on behalf of Zebra Technologies

K Klaus Kramer

Hello everyone,
I found this thread, because I allready have the same problem with my zebra TC210K.
I'm working for an wholesaler for hygiene products in the B2B sector and we started using a zebra scanner in our warehouse.
Last week we made an inventory. During the EAN maintanace it was a problem to scan different (medical) products. After a few hours, I found the "solution". When I switched the profile to "UID", every code could be red. But with this option, my shelf-code (generated in code 39-30 with ms word) wouldn't work!? Right now, I still found no solution!
Does anybody know what I had to change???
Thanks for your help!

Best regards - Klaus

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