Start/stop read in loop

n nenad cikic 3 years 10 months ago
5 1 0

I have started to develop for rfid reader FX9600.
I am using the C library but the question is not strictly related to the library itself.
I thought to issue start read and then after 3 seconds issue a stop read command,collect the read tags and then again issue start read again and continue this way in loop.
Is there any known disadvantage in doing so, hardware or software?

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1 Replies

B Brian Moore


You should be able to do this without issue. I have successfully used a similar method with the Java API: Start a read with a 30 seconds timeout, get tags in the callback, stop the read before the 30 seconds timeout, start a new read.

Brian Moore
Software Engineer Kutir Mobility
Posted on behalf of Zebra Technologies

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