Print Label using zpl

K Krishna Penumatsa 3 years 10 months ago
149 9 0

Hi All ,

could you please help us on this. We have QLN320 printers and the paper has double sticker in the same row . When we print, it is printing on the left hand side sticker and leaving right hand side sticker empty and skipping The row. Paper is getting wasted. The requirement is when we give two different prints, it should utilize both left left and right hand side stickers .

thank you in advance

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9 Replies

K Krishna Penumatsa


We are using the below mentioned ZPL code but it it is leaving 8 labels empty and printing 9th label . Could you please help us on this.

"^XA^FWR^CF5,15^FO180,1^FD18J^FS^CF10,15^FO180,120^FD813-1972^FS^BY1,1,50^CF10,15^A0,10,30^FO60,40^CF10,15^BC,100,Y,Y,N^FD1023998^FS^CF10,15^FO40,40^FDAGSMCYHR MDW^FS^CF10,15^FO17,120^FDSALE^FS^CFA,12^CF10,15^FO17,6^FDWAS^FS^CF10,15^FO2,125^FD$24.00^FS^CF10,15^FO2,15^FD$44.99^FS
^FWR^CF10,14^FO385,1^FD18J^FS^CF10,15^FO385,120^FD813-1972^FS^BY1,1,50^CF10,15^A0,10,30^FO275,45^BC,100,Y,Y,N^FD1023998^FS^CF10,15^FO255,40^FDAGSMCYHR MDW^FS^CF10,15^FO235,120^FDSALE^FS^CFA,12^CF10,15^FO235,10^FDWAS^FS^CF10,15^FO220,120^FD$24.00^FS^CF5,15^FO220,15^FD$44.99^FS^XZ

r roberto cottone

Make sure that the printer's media.type is set to Label and the media.sense_mode is set to Gap or Bar according to the media. After all, please make sure do a ~JC to calibrate the media before printing.

E Evgeniy Ananev

^FO25,25^BY1,3.0^B3N,,200,N^FD 90360987345 ^FS
^FO25,230^FDJohn Doe^FS
^FO25,270^FD100 Main Street^FS
^FO25,310^FDSpringfield TN^FS
^FO25,350^FDUnited States^FS

^FO525,25^BY1,3.0^B3N,,200,N^FD 90360987345 ^FS
^FO525,230^FDJohn Doe^FS
^FO525,270^FD100 Main Street^FS
^FO525,310^FDSpringfield TN^FS
^FO525,350^FDUnited States^FS

Online ZPL Viewer

K Krishna Penumatsa

Thank you Steven, Evgeniy Ananev and Dmitry Prokhorov for the reply.

Hi Steven ,

We have been struggling to achieve for the last 3-4 days to design correct zpl  for the below mentioned label  and also just print on the left hand side sticker and use right hand side only when we send print next time.

I have attached the label and paper model for quick reference. It will be great help if you have any sample zpl codes to achieve this.

r roberto cottone

and also just print on the left hand side sticker and use right hand side only when we send print next time.This cannot be achieved. As mentioned before, we have to treat two stickers as one label. This is because the thermal printers do not have the rewind. Once a label feeds out, it cannot go back to the printer. To get two labels on one row, the two labels have to be printed out together. In other words, the ZPL for the two labels has to be in one ^XA and ^XZ pair. Hope this helps.

K Krishna Penumatsa

Hi Steven ,

Thank you for your reply and help on this. We have around more than 2000 QLN320 printers in stores and if we will have to use two stickers for single label so much of paper gets wasted as we do lot of printing in stores. Is there any workaround to achieve this. Is there any way we can put custom code instead zpl to consider only one sticker in a row for single label . Request you to advise on this.


r roberto cottone

Hi Krishna,

It looks like you are expecting two lables on the same row, i.e. each sticker is a label. We can achieve that with ZPL and QLn320 printer. Please keep in mind that the printer itself doesn't know many stickers per row. When we use the ZPL to design the label for each sticker, we need to treat two labels (for two stickers) on the same row as if they are one label (or as if they are one sticker). Then the results would be two labels on two stickers per row. Hope this helps.

D Dmitry Prokhorov

Hello Krishna,

It would be nice to have your label file to check it. Has your printer been configured to use ZPL language?

Dmitry Prokhorov
Software Engineer, Kutir Mobility
Posted on behalf of Zebra Technologies

E Evgeniy Ananev

do you mean like on this label?

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