TC20 Export file to PC

S Serge Moers 3 years 9 months ago
25 1 0

Dear all,
I have developed a small application in order to format the scanned data.  At the end of process, the data are stored in the text file.
I would like save this text file into a folder for that this can be loaded from PC when the TC20 is connected by USB at the PC.
If I use the code proposed by Android, it's not working.

Can you indicate to me, how to do to store my text file in the external storage ?

public boolean write(String dirType, String fileName, String data){
   boolean result = false;
   if (isOpen){
  String path = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(dirType).getAbsolutePath();
  Log.d(Startup.LOG_TAG,"External storage write path : " + path);
  File file = new File(dirType, fileName);
  FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(file);
  result = true;
  } catch (IOException e){}

   return result;

Many thanks,
Serge !

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone

Hi, I do something similar in my location logging application, I suggest you take a look at that: Location-Logger/ at master · darryncampbell/Location-Logger · GitHub (it is logging locations rather than scanning barcodes but you get the idea)


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