TC51 doesn't work with Interleaved 2of5 codes

D Denis Davidek 3 years 8 months ago
29 1 0

Hello everyone,

I have been following tutorials and samples for EMDK for Android 7.0. I am developing an application for one of my clients and that application must be able to scan Interlaved 2of5 codes. Unfortunately no matter what I write, setting up decoders in next function doesn't work. Here is how I initialize scanner(code is written in the Kotlin language):

private fun initializeScanner() {
   if (scanner == null) {

   scanner = barcodeManager.getDevice(BarcodeManager.DeviceIdentifier.DEFAULT)// INTERNAL_IMAGER1)   scanner?.addDataListener(this);   scanner?.addStatusListener(this);   scanner?.triggerType = Scanner.TriggerType.HARD   setDecoders()

   startRead = true   }

and setting the decoders for the scanner:

private fun setDecoders() {
   if (scanner != null) {
   try {
   val config = scanner?.getConfig()

  config?.decoderParams?.chinese2of5?.enabled = true   config?.decoderParams?.matrix2of5?.enabled = true   config?.decoderParams?.d2of5?.enabled = true   config?.decoderParams?.i2of5?.enabled = true   /* config?.decoderParams?.i2of5?.convertToEan13 = false*/   config?.decoderParams?.i2of5?.length1 = 0   config?.decoderParams?.i2of5?.length2 = 18   config?.decoderParams?.i2of5?.reducedQuietZone = false   config?.decoderParams?.i2of5?.redundancy = true   config?.decoderParams?.i2of5?.reportCheckDigit = false   config?.decoderParams?.i2of5?.verifyCheckDigit = ScannerConfig.CheckDigitType.NO   config?.decoderParams?.i2of5?.securityLevel = ScannerConfig.SecurityLevel.LEVEL_1   // Set EAN8   config?.decoderParams?.ean8?.enabled = true   // Set EAN13   config?.decoderParams?.ean13?.enabled = true   config?.decoderParams?.gs1QrCode?.enabled = true  config?.decoderParams?.gs1Datamatrix?.enabled = true   scanner?.setConfig(config)
  } catch (e: ScannerException) {

When I try to test the scanner on TC51, then scanning EAN8,13 and gs1 code works. Unfortunately, if I for example set ean8?.enabled = false, then after rebuild and rerun the application, I am still able to scan EAN8 codes. When I set the i2of5?.enabled to either true or false I am not able to scan Interleaved2of5 codes on the TC51 device.

I am running EMDK for Android 7.0.0
and TC 51 device with Android Nougat 7.1.2

What should I do to enable scanning of Interleaved2of5 codes  and why setting up decoders doesn't have any effect on the device?
Can you help me please?

Thanks in advance.

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone


It sounds like something is wrong setting decoders as the app seems to be having problems with both I2of5 and Ean8 from your description.

I suggest trying with the official sample (I did the Kotlin conversion in a forked branch: samples-emdkforandroid-6_9/BarcodeSample1 at BarcodeSample1-Kotlin · darryncampbell/samples-emdkforandroid-6_9 · GitHub ).  That should hopefully give you a known working baseline.

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