I'm using LINK-OS Plugin via Bluetooth with the next code (in IMZ320):
public async Task printBarCode(string code)
if ((connection != null) && (connection.IsConnected))
//This is an example of a Code 39 bar code: ^B3
string zpl = "^XA^FO100,100^BY3^B3N,N,100,Y,N^FD" + code + " ^FS^XZ";
catch (Exception e)
await UserDialogs.Instance.AlertAsync("Se dio la siguiente excepción: " + e.Message + ".", "Excepción", "Aceptar");
but when I print this, nothing happens, any suggestion?
1 Replies
My question was solved in another post, my code should be like this to print in my app:
string zpl = "^XA^FO100,100^BY3^B3N,N,100,Y,N^FD" + code + "^FS^XZ\r\n";