
Stay current with Android security updates by identifying available updates and how many devices have not received the recommended security and Android Operating System updates. Simply download a report to get a list of the device serial numbers requiring an update. Need to update a device? Manage downloads via your Device Management vendor or quickly link to the Lifeguard download page on Zebra.com to download the most current security update.

Devices in Operation in Action
  • Identify available Android OS (Operating System) and BSP (Board Support Package) updates by model and serial number
  • Know the percentage and number of Android devices that are not up to date with their security patches
  • Export a list of serial numbers with updates available to utilize in a deployment plan
  • Identify the sites with the highest contribution to a model’s damage rate
  • Identify which sites are generating the most repairs


  • Mobile device model and Android version are supported for the Mobile Computer Device Health APIs
  • Device has been enrolled and authorized for Zebra Savanna
  • Zebra Data Services (ZDS) agent is installed and activated on the device

Getting Started

  • To purchase, contact your Zebra Account Manager
  • Questions? Check the FAQ
  • Visit the Forums


A Zebra Savanna application key is required for using and testing this API. See the Getting Started Guide


  • Mobile device model and Android version are supported for the Mobile Computer Device Health APIs
  • Device has been enrolled and authorized for Zebra Savanna
  • Zebra Data Services (ZDS) agent is installed and activated on the device

Getting Started

  • To purchase, contact your Zebra Account Manager
  • Questions? Check the FAQ
  • Visit the Forums


A Zebra Savanna application key is required for using and testing this API. See the Getting Started Guide


Stay current with Android security updates by identifying available updates and how many devices have not received the recommended security and Android Operating System updates. Simply download a report to get a list of the device serial numbers requiring an update. Need to update a device? Manage downloads via your Device Management vendor or quickly link to the Lifeguard download page on Zebra.com to download the most current security update.

Devices in Operation in Action
  • Identify available Android OS (Operating System) and BSP (Board Support Package) updates by model and serial number
  • Know the percentage and number of Android devices that are not up to date with their security patches
  • Export a list of serial numbers with updates available to utilize in a deployment plan
  • Identify the sites with the highest contribution to a model’s damage rate
  • Identify which sites are generating the most repairs