Industry News - Jul. 12, 2021

Edward Correia -

IN THIS ISSUE: Android Studio 4.2.2 Stable; Run Android Apps on Windows 11; Moving Away from the APK; Android Apps From an Amazon Windows Store; A Deep Dive into AirBNB's Server-driven UI; What's Coming in Android 12  

Android Studio 4.2.2 In the Stable Channel

A bug-fix release for version 4.2, Android Studio 4.2.2 tightens up the April release that unveiled major enhancements to the Gradle plug-in, new system trace tools and much more.  


Run Android Apps on Windows 11

Once the dust settled on the leaked news of a Windows 11 on the horizon, word of the ability to run Android Apps on Windows 11 started to circulate. Here are details on how it will work.   


Moving Away From the APK

The timing is interesting. Microsoft announces that it will run APKs on Windows a month before Google's deadline for switching from APKs to the Android App Bundle format for publishing. 


Android Apps in an Amazon Windows Store

As in politics, Big Tech makes strange bedfellows. Rather than partnering with Google for distribution of its Android apps, Microsoft teamed up with Amazon. Here's why the move is being called a masterstroke. 


A Deep Dive info AirBNB's Server-driven UI

A fascinating look at one implementation of a server-driven UI, a technology that's not new but that could be re-emerging as a way to build a more responsive client-side interface faster. 


What's Coming in Android 12

Wanna know what's ahead in the next version of Android? While most of the under-the-covers effort has been on improving security and data privacy, there's also some eye candy. 



Edward Correia

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