Industry News - Jun. 28, 2021
IN THIS ISSUE: App Store Mine Field; Mobile MVP Rules of the Road; Four Basic Rules for Android App Security; Variable Fonts Look Better than Scaling; Windows 11 UI Gets Some Love; Brave Search Now in Beta
Washington Post: Apple's App Store is Loaded with Scams
Despite all the controls it places on content coming into its App Store, Apple's marketplace is reportedly loaded with software that doesn't always behave as advertised.
Building a minimum viable product is generally a good idea for a number of reasons. Not the least of those is as a reality check to compare with the initial concept.
Four Basic Rules for Android App Security
There's never a shortage of software-based threats to Android device security, so developers must keep adapting just as the threats do. Here are four basics that have remained constant.
Variable Fonts Look Better than Scaling
Webviews come in all shapes and sizes, and well-crafted apps must look good in them all. Here's how to make sure app text stays easy to read regardless of display size.
In Windows 11, UI Gets Some Love
Since the leak of WIndows 11 and Microsoft's subsequent unveiling last week, much of the focus has been on improvements to the user experience.
Brave Browser Search Now in Beta
Searching for a fast browser that doesn't peddle your search data? Look no further than Brave, a new browser that hits the scene boasting speed and security as its prime directives.

Edward Correia