Industry News - Week of Dec. 2, 2019
IN THIS ISSUE: Computer Vision Leads to Solar Advances; Amazon to Ease Machine Learning; A New Platform for Wearables; Tesla Demo Epic Fail; Rethinking the Wearable Computer; Microsoft Advice for Two-Screen Apps
Computer Vision Leads to Solar-energy Breakthrough
A group of Cal-Tech and MIT engineers working at Pasadena-based startup Heliogen has reportedly used computer vision technology to improve solar energy production to make it suitable for a new range of manufacturing applications from cement to steel.
Amazon Wants to Ease Machine Learning
Cloud-service provider behemoth Amazon last week unveiled a new process to application design that it sayscan simplify the integration of machine learning techniques in database apps that use its Athena, Aurora and QuickSite tools when combined with SQL queries.
A New Kind of Wearable Computer
While contact lenses have been commonplace for decades, advances in microcircuitry are giving developers new platforms to explore for apps as diverse as monitoring of vital signs to visually guided machine repair.
Tesla's Truck Roll-out Demo Not Bullet-proof
The high-profile failure of electric-vehicle company Tesla's roll-out of a vehicle it claimed was indestructible serves to demonstrate at least one thing: That testing is just as important as marketing.
Microsoft Offers Advice in Two-screen Development
On the heels of its annoncement of foldable versions of its Surface devices, Microsoft has published a series of tips and best practices for building apps that target devices with dual displays.

Edward Correia