Industry News - Week of Feb. 10, 2020
IN THIS ISSUE: Using Analytics, GIS to Fight Coronavirus; 8 of 10 Exploits Involve Microsoft; Kotlin Second-most Popular Java Alternative; Go is the Most-sought after Language; Time to Update Android Virus Protection; Boosting Cell Strength By a Factor of 1000
Using Analytics, GIS to Stop a Pandemic
The 2019 Novel Coronavirus on January 30 was declared a world health emergency by the World Health Organization. Together with the U.S. Center for Disease Control and other agencies, the WHO is employing analytics, machine learning and global information systems to track and stop the spread of the deadly disease.
Most Exploits Involve Microsoft
Fully 80 percent of the exploited software bugs reported in 2019 involved software made by Microsoft, according to Recorded Furture, which reports security vulnerabilities. The company examined around 12,000 threats reported through the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure system last year, which found that the top exploit was the "user-after-free" flaw of the Adobe Flash Player.
Kotlin is Second-most Popular Java Alternative: Report
A dubious distinction perhaps, but Kotlin has become the second-most popular programming language for targeting the JVM, according to a report by dev tools maker Synk, Ltd. It's dubious because Kotlin's share is just 5.5 percent compared with big-daddy Java at 86.9 percent. On the plus side, Kotlin's share is more than double that of its nearest rival.
Most Developers Want to Pass GO
While JavaScript might be the most well-known language, knowledge of Go is the most sought after. That's according to HackerRank, a hiring platform that continuously measures the skills available in and being sought by the industry.
It's Time to Update Android Virus Protection
A fix for the dreaded "Pwned with a broadcast" is among the 25 patches in the Android Security Bulletin - February 2020, which was released last week.
MIT Claims New Material Boosts Cell Strength by 1000
Researchers in MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Labratories have announced a breakthrough in the way to tackle the problem of wireless transmission and reception, and it has nothing to do with changing antennas.

Edward Correia