Industry News - Week of Jun. 13, 2022

Edward Correia -

IN THIS ISSUE: Apple on Safari at WWDC; Kotlin 1.7 Alpha Compiler Preview; How to Keep Coders Happy; The Advantages of Procrastination; Customer Research on a Budget; XCode Cloud Drifts Into Reality


Apple WWDC 2022 keynote

Apple on Safari at WWDC

Apple's annual WorldWide Developer Conference wrapped up last Friday, and improvements to its browser were among the main events. While the confab remained  "online only" due to lingering pandemic concerns, the company still had plenty of other product news


Kotlin 1.7 Includes K2 Compiler Pre-release

An update to the popular Java-alternative was released last week. Features new in Kotlin 1.7 include a new approach to Gradle incremental compilation, increased stability and improvements to the JVM, JS and native platforms. There's also an updated compiler to try. 


5 Keys to Keeping Your Current Crop of Coders 

According to the annual Stack Overflow Developer Survey, which polled more than 80,000 developers worldwide, an overwhelming majority of developers want to be happy at work. No big surprise there. But many cite factors other than salary as their main job anchors


Using Procrastination to Advantage

For those who wait until the last possible moment to perform a dreaded task, such inaction might have been the best thing to do all along. After 20 years in tech journalism, I do believe that my best work was always done with deadline pressure peaking. This confirms it. 


Customer Research Made Easier

Getting feedback from users is a critical part of app development. Yet many organizations fall short; it can be expensive and hard to coordinate, and requires resources could be "more productive" doing other things. Here are some ideas for building research panels. 

XCode Cloud Drifts Into Reality

Among the news at Apple's WWDC was the release of XCode Cloud, a service unveiled at last year's developer confab that's now in full operation. Apple's continuous integration and delivery system works seamlessly with XCode that's intended to simplify development, testing and getting user feedback.  



Edward Correia

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