Industry News - Week of May 4, 2020
IN THIS ISSUE: Survey: Devs During COVID; An Uptick in Healthcare Attacks; Use Notifications Wisely; Upstate Simplifies State Management; Half of America Doesn't Trust Contact Tracers; Managing FOMO when WHF
How Are Developers Adapting to Working From Home?
By and large, developers are not okay with the "new normal" brought about by the Wuhan virus global pandemic, according to a survey of 324 developers and engineers around the world. In fact, only about a quarter of respondents expressed positive feelings about the lock-down. There were a few surprises, however, including that many work more hours than before. Could that be a clue?
Healthcare Sees Uptick in Cyber Attacks
Perhaps more than in politics, the phrase "never let a good crisis go to waste" rings true among cyber terrorists, who've been working overtime to exploit the COVID-19 crisis. And a recent analysis shows that a high percentage of the attacks are somewhat crude and amatuerish, suggesting that a new crop of criminals has entered the fray.
How to Use Notifications Wisely
Android Notifications greatly simplify the job of letting the device user know what's happening. But overuse can lead to an experience that's less than ideal. Here's how to strike a balance.
Upstate Offers Simplified State Management
Some users of the Flutter cross-platform UI framework have been frustrated by the platform's lack of an elegant solution for managing an application's state. Now there's an independently developed solution called Upstate that provides an easier way to manage application state.
Half of Americans Don't Trust Contact-tracing Apps
If Google's data collection practices were considered intrusive before, its partnership with Apple to make an interoperative data-collection API should give everyone digital shivers. The two tech giants, which together control 99 percent of the global mobile market, have partnered to create a contact tracing app that they say is intended to help the healthcare industry while promising to protect privacy. Most people are skeptical.
Managing FOMO in a Time of WHF
Working from home (WFH) is apparently generating a new wave of fear of missing out (FOMO). Here's how to recognize the signs and cope with the effects.

Edward Correia