Industry News - Week of Oct. 19, 2020
IN THIS ISSUE: Using SQLite in Android; Busting Android Performance Myths; A Guide to CSS Media Queries; Run Android Apps on Linux; Case Study: Automating Build with Github Actions; Splash Screen Re-do
How to Use a SQLite Database in Android Studio
All apps have persistence needs, and Android apps are no exception. This free course on the Youtube channel takes deep dive into the ins and outs of developing data-storage solutions using SQLite and Android Studio.
MythBusters: Striking Down Beliefs of Slow Android Apps
While the legendary MythBusters scientific television series might be gone, beliefs that Android apps are inherently slow live on. In the spirit of the show, this piece attempts to to debunk that conventional unwisdom using facts and science.
A Complete Guide to CSS Media Queries
The enormous variety of devices today makes it increasingly difficult to ensure that web sites offer an optimal user experience for all. One way to combat that problem is with CSS media queries, which can tailor the look and behavior of a site based on what it gleans from visitors about their device, browser and settings.
Microsoft Posts 10 App-Store 'Principles'
Redmond beleives that app stores should be more competitive, and should let app developers sell more apps and services on their own web sites. In a nutshell, Microsoft says that app stores should be more like its own and less like those of its competitors.
'Anbox' Runs Any Android App on Linux
Using containers, Anbox abstracts the device hardware and "integrates core systems" so that Android apps appear as if they're running natively on a Linux desktop. Watch this one-minute demo.
Case Study: Automate Release with Github Actions
Over LLC makes tools designed to simplify development of professional-looking web sites and marketing campaigns. After translating its tools into 12 new languages, the company realized that automating its build process would better allow it to scale.
If you thought your app's splash screen wasn't much worth thinking about, think again. As it turns out, developers spend lots of time focusing on the "Launch Screen," as it's known in Android parlance. And with good reason.

Edward Correia