Industry News - Week of Sep. 19, 2022
IN THIS ISSUE: PCI to Boost Security; Adobe to Buy Figma; AMD vs. Intel Again; OpenWallet to Open Doors; Improve Conversions with A/B Testing; EvilProxy Bypasses MFA
The credit card industry moves slowly, but changes are often major. Case in point is PCI DSS 4.0, specifications released in March that touch virtually every aspect of payment processing. Set to take effect in 2024, here's a primer on how to prepare.
Someone should have seen this coming. With its rich Experience Manager toolset, Adobe is one of a very small group of all-inclusive digital design suites that as often as not is supplemented by the highly sophisticated Figma UI creation tool.
It appears that the desktop might once again be in play. This interesting thought piece paints the picture of Intel losing its dominance in the PC processor space via mobile distraction, which gave archrival AMD a chance to pass.
The term "open wallet" might be cringe-worthy for car repair, but when the Linux Foundation announces its OpenWallet initiative, developers prepping for digital currency should take heed. Still in early days, its mission is an engine platform for building secure, interoperable wallets.
Improve Conversions with A/B Testing
If test engineers aren't doing A/B testing to maximize visitor-to-sale ratios, they should be. This proven method of gathering user preferences has been traced back to 1753, and is as applicable to scurvy testing as it is to Netflix sign-ups.
Just when multi-factor authentication (MFA) lulled the world into feeling more secure about privacy, the evil-doers have broken through. EvilProxy is phishing-as-a-service malware that reportedly allows bad actors to scale up their attacks, which for some redefines the acronym.

Edward Correia