Industry News - Week of Sep. 21, 2020

Edward Correia -

IN THIS ISSUE: Android 11 Boosts Control, Privacy; 'Flutter is to Apps What Unity is to Games'; The Realities of Augmented Reality; Working with JavaScript Media Queries; Surface Duo Plagued by Bugs; Making Apps 5G-ready


mobile display of conversation UI

Android 11 Focuses on People, Control, Privacy

The Android community has posted the final version of Android 11 AOSP source code, which is says is offers people-centric conversation "bubbles" that float above other apps (see above), easier access to device controls, and methods of more easily deciding what device data to share and what to keep private. 


'Flutter is to Apps What Unity is to Games'

So says Tim Sneath, product manager of the Dart lanaguage and Flutter UI framework, products he oversees at Google. His essential message is that developers building apps for mobile, web and the desktop can do so most efficiently using these tools. 


The Realities of Augmented Reality

It's safe to say that use of augmented reality in apps is more than just a passing phase. But challenges abound. Here's a list of AR's ups and downs and some compelling reasons to brave its waters. 

media_query.js_.png, by jvwc67


Working with JavaScript Media Queries

For an app to offer the best user experience, it's helpful if it can detect its environment and adapt elements of its UI. That's one of the reasons for the existence of CSS. Here's how to do it with JavaScript. 

The Microsoft Surface Duo has no screens or cameras on the outside when closed

Surface Duo Looks Great, Works Poorly

The beauty of Microsoft's latest two-screen mobile device is apparently skin deep. According to one reviewer, buggy software is its downfall. 

Making Apps 5G-Ready

Most device makers have models ready for the faster speeds of 5G. But what about apps? Here's a short guide from the Android community that points to tools for making the necessary changes.  


Edward Correia

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