
Industry Views - Feb. 20, 2023

Edward Correia -

IN THIS ISSUE: .NET Upgrade Assistant Simplifies the Future; ChatGPT Can't Be Good at Everything; Clipper Malware Found in PyPi; Container Queries in Major Browsers; Inspecting Interactions in the Browser; Android 14 Preview 1 Drops

.NET Upgrade Assistant Simplifies the Future 

Microsoft has released a preview of .NET Upgrade Assistant, a tool that it claims will allow developers to upgrade any existing web or desktop app based on the .NET Framework or .NET Core app to the current version. Caution: There are a few exceptions. 


Rube Goldberg

Like its Creators, ChatGPT Isn't Good at Everything

As recent high-profile flubs at Google and Microsoft have demonstrated, AI can be just as flawed as its human creators, despite billions in investments. ChatGPT accells at some things and epicly fails at others. Here's a slew of pseudo real-world examples from both categories.  


Clipper Malware Found in Python Package Index

The malware beat has been quiet lately. Until now. Researchers have identified "clipper" malware  in 451 PyPi packages, the Python Package Index repository of the Python programming language. Clipper replaces clipboard contents with its own malicious code. 


Container Queries Now In All Major Browsers

Among the most significant recent advancements in CSS, container queries offer a far more versatile means of building UI elements that can adapt based on more than viewport size. And now it's supported by all major browsers. Here's a concise tutorial with great demos. 


Stay Focused: Inspecting Interactions in the Browser

Since reading the tutorial on container queries above, you've doubtless already implemented some CQs by now. To help with the debugging that always seems to tag along with UI design, here's some practical advice on using Chromium to inspect interactions in the browser.  


Android 14 Improves Further Improves Security

The Android development community last week released Android 14 Developer Preview 1, which it expects to reach stability in June and release in late summer. Following a pattern set in stone with Android 10, security is again at the forefront. Here's an overview of what's coming.  



Edward Correia

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