Zebra DevTalks Community Day | Enterprise Mobile Computing (EMC)

Stacey Kruczek -

Community Day Banner

We are excited to announce our next Zebra DevTalk Community Day with our Enterprise Mobile Computing (EMC) team. Focusing on tools and best practices for developing with our Zebra mobile devices, this online event is free and open to all developers, technical and sales engineers, ISVs, partners and resellers. You can attend one or all of the sessions throughout the day.

Questions? Email us developer@zebra.com

When |  Tuesday, December 6

Time |  8:00 am - 1:00 pm CDT

Where | Online  

                                                         REGISTER NOW



Session Title




Android™ 12 and 13 - What's new for enterprise developers?

An analysis of the new features, APIs, and restrictions introduced by Google in Android™ 12 and 13, from an enterprise developers' perspective.

Daniel Neamtu 

Nicola De Zsolt 

Scoped Storage Masterclass - What is it, how does it impact me and what are my options?

A comprehensive guide to the Scoped Storage restrictions introduced by Google. We'll go into detail about what exactly Scoped Storage is, what the impact is for enterprise developers, and what options are available to mitigate its impact.

Nicola De Zolt

Prashanth Kadur

Modifications to Existing Tools | How will Android™ 13 change our approach?

Android™ 13 brings several changes, and subsequently means we've had to make updates to a number of our applications from compatibility, usability, and performance point of view. We'll cover apps like Enterprise Browser and SDKs such as the EMDK and walk-through changes to configuration, staging & management of these apps.

Tharindu Weligodapola

Prashanth Kadur

Introducing zDNA Cloud

This session will introduce a completely new product: zDNA Cloud. Designed as a light-weight EMM, we'll walk you through the features & benefits of this brand new release.

Prashanth Kadur

Joydeep Chakraborty

Whats New? Enterprise Browser & DataWedge

To close out the day, we'll cover some of the most popular features of our core products: Enterprise Browser and DataWedge. We'll focus particularly on the most used features and the latest updates. We're also leaving time at the end of this session for Q&A so please come prepared with your questions!


Sabir Valappil Thattath

Live Q&A

If you were not able to ask your questions at one of our sessions, or you have questions after these, we encourage you to attend this Q&A session with the team.

Prashanth Kadur

James Swinton-Bland




Stacey Kruczek

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