RhoElements - Building Your First App - Part 3 Hello Scan

Robert Galvin -

In this part of the blog series, we will build a simple Hello Scan application and run it on the mobile device. By now you should have and to point to the application that we are going to build. In this section we will setup placeholders for our content, turn the scanner on and handle the decode event when scanning a QR Code barcode.

So let's get started. Using your editor of choice, create a new HTML file called index.html:

                     Event Attendee Tracker



session selector goes here


session detail to be displayed here


scanned in data goes here



Robert Galvin

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone

Hey Rob, I used my HTC Viva (Opal) and a scanner app called i-nigma to scan your QR Code, it showed the version 2.1 but it grabbed only your email and your website. It didn't grab your Name, Title and ORG. The nice thing however is that i-nigma gave the option to save the info into Contacts on the phone (which I did), but of course, only email and URL were saved. Just wanted to let you know.