RhoElements New Release Available

Robert Galvin -

Version has just been released. It is recommended that you upgrade your RhoElements clients to this release. Most notably this is the first release for the ET1 Android platform. Additionally there has been several performance enhancements in three areas:

  • Javascript processing
  • Rendering and scroll performance
  • Download speeds

You can find the release by clicking this link.


Robert Galvin

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5 Replies

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

This release includes the Damage Report sample, compatible both with WM and Android.

So far, so good.

I encountered a problem on Android trying to build the shortcut as described in the release notes of the demo.
The right application URL to use is:


r roberto cottone

Yeah, it looked to be a transient problem the other day - for a while I thought devzone was broken.  Many thanks to Gary Crean for answering my Bluetooth question.  When using a RS507 with RhoElements, the default behavior is to unpair the device when scanner.disable() is called.  There is an attribute "disconnectBTOnDisable" which can be set to true to change this behavior.  My personal preference would be to change the default setting.  The majority (say 99.99999%) of our customers will want the BT Device to remain paired when scanner.disable is called. 

r roberto cottone

Just tried to go to the link.  It's broken today.  Any other way to get this version.  Trying to use RhoElements with a RS507 BT Scanner on a MC9190 and failing miserably.  I want to see if the latest release is unpairing the device whenever scanner.disable() is used.

R Robert Galvin

Dave the site had issues the other day. I assume you have been successful in downloading at this point?

A Andrew Pengelly

What is the latest version of RhoElements for Windows CE?  Is it as per the CAB file that comes with RhoStudio?  If so where do I find the instructions on how to make a persistent install for this version of Rhoelements?