Integrated Barcoding Systems Validates their QuikTrac-ISeries Solution in the Holtsville, NY Solution Center

Amy Pennica -


Partner: Integrated Barcoding Systems (

Application: QuikTrac-ISeries

Industries: Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical, Aerospace

Devices validated: MC3190, MC9190, MC9500, and MT2090


Description: The QuikTrac-ISeries software solution allows you or the client to extend their ISeries application out to fixed or portable devices without any custom coding! Simply Click, drag, and drop your application onto your Motorola device and you can have your client’s project up in running in a matter of a few minutes. QuikTrac-I Series has a development module that allows you or your customer to develop/maintain their project. QuikTrac Off Line Data Collection module is used when the host system is not available so you can continue to collect and do low level of validation while the host system is not available. QuikTrac printing module allows you to create and print barcode labels from any terminal or host screen. QuikTrac reports module allows you to create and print reports from your handheld. Using Crystal reports writer, you can create any report you need.


Amy Pennica

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