Assigning Tasks to the workers based on the departments he is working in

Vijayaditya K -

Requirement:  Assign relevant Task to user based on the department he is working in.

Description: An associate can be associated with one or more groups/ departments.  Tasks Template should be configured in a way that user receives tasks which are relevant to him. This will ensure proper distribution of task and also keep associates inbox clean.

MWM has a concept of Active Groups/Departments which can be selected by the user during login. This is to indicate that he will be active (working) in the selected departments and can accept the tasks relevant to those departments. MWM can utilize this information and assign task to relevant users. In order to accomplish this Rules engine and Ranking has to be enabled and more (~100%) weightage to be given to the “active in the group”.

Following example explains this concept in details.

In the below scenario, the associate “Carl Nielsen” belongs to two departments but he should be assigned with the tasks corresponds to the department he is currently working (active) in.

We will create two departments “Bakery” and “Till” and add Carl to both these groups in MWM. Then we will create two templates “Clean Bakery Aisle” and “Repair Cash Dispenser”. Each of these two templates is meant for associates working in corresponding departments. We will see that as Carl changes his department from ‘Bakery department’ to ‘Till department’   the task that he receives also changes.

Lets create the Groups (Departments)



Now let’s create a template “Clean Bakery Aisle” with ranking “Active in Department” as 100%. As shown in the figure below.


And select “Bakery” department in the user & group assignment section.


Likewise create ‘Repair Cash Dispenser’   template by giving 100% weightage to the “Active in Department” and selecting Till department in the User & Group Assignment section

Now, Carl is logged in using SB1 device and selected the active group as Bakery.


Manager creates task using the template “Clean Bakery Aisle”. You may note that the user “Carl” is not selected manually here while creating the task, instead the department is selected and the one of the associate active in that department will be assigned to the task.


Carl will get the task assigned as he is been active in the department.


Carl works on the tasks and completes the same. Now he want to move to the Till department. He has selected the Till as his active department and removed Bakery from the list.


Now, Manager of the Till department creates a new task with the template “Repair Cash Dispenser”.

As Carl has selected the Till as his active department, he will be considered by the rules engine and assign the task to him based on the ranking of the user. Carl got the task, he completes the same.


Thank you.



Vijayaditya K

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