Mobile Applications Demo by MobileFrame

Catherine Wei -


About MobileFrame

MobileFrame's enterprise mobility system is 100% code-free, eliminating custom programming through an intuitive, user friendly point-and-click desktop, enabling novice computer users to easily create and deploy sophisticated custom mobile applications. With secure Sarbanes-Oxley compliant instant messaging, integrated intelligent networking, prioritized synchronization, remote device control, configuration and management, integrated GPS tracking and mapping, and remote software updates all built-in to one software platform, MobileFrame significantly streamlines mobile application development, deployment, and administration.

About Mobile Applications Demo

MobileFrame’s Mobile Applications Demo is intended to give a broad overview of the versatility and features that the MobileFrame platform provides. This demonstration package includes a brief overview of the MobileFrame platform and several functional mobile applications (work orders, inventory tracking, building inspections, and sales order entry).

Demonstration Download

NOTE: Barcode scanning has not been enabled for this demo application.
NOTE: Refer to the login screen for the login user and password.

MC55, MC70, MC75
MSP Installation Barcodes
Manual Installation - Files should be installed in the following order: sqlce30.wce5.armv4i.CAB, sqlce30.repl.wce5.armv4i.CAB, MobileFrame Click 2 Demo.CAB.
Demonstration Instructions


MobileFrame is a horizontal mobility platform; thus, MobileFrame’s platform can be used to automate any business process in any industry.  Example industries include:  utilities, government, business & consumer services, distribution & retail, construction & engineering, transportation & logistics, etc.

Application Type

This demonstration package includes a brief overview of the MobileFrame platform and several functional mobile applications such as work orders, inventory tracking, building inspections, and sales order entry mobile applications.

Main User Interface


Validated Mobile Devices

MC35, MC50, MC55, MC70, MC75, MC9090 series

Contact Information

Zebra Solution Center


Motorola Channel Account Manager

Curtis Chen 

Office Phone: 714-369-8877

MobileFrame LLC

Patricia Oswalt

Office Phone: (408)885-1200


Catherine Wei

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