e-Data by Skillweb

Catherine Wei -


About Skillweb

Skillweb is a leading provider of business applications for item tracking, proof of attendance and workforce management. The company has been operating for over 13 years, serving the needs of postal, home delivery, security, facilities management, healthcare and other mobile worker organisations across the UK and globally.

Customers are fully supported by Skillweb’s own UK based development and customer service teams. Skillweb handles millions of transactions per day on behalf of major clients and has a proven 99.99% system uptime record with on-going support - The envy of others in the industry.

About e-data

SmartTask e-Data is an easy to use application that uses barcode scanning to lookup information from online databases.  The application has been designed using Motorola RhoMobile and as such can be deployed across any device or operating system including Motorola devices such as the ET1, SB1, MC40, MC45, ES400, MC67 etc.

Skillweb e-data can read both 1d and 2d barcodes using the device camera or Motorola barcode scanning device and retrieve vital information dependent on the nature of the task.

For organisations that hold information in their own database, the application can be quickly and easily customised to retrieve information of your choice, for example customer account information or notes.  This is particularly suited to sectors where personal information needs to be shared quickly and securely such as healthcare, government, security and facilities management organisations.

If a database is not present or set up for demonstration, the application will search the Google shop and will return a product, description and photo of the large majority of retail products when scanned.  This can be particularly useful for demonstrating Motorola devices and Rhomobile to clients with requirements for checking stock by retailers, warehousing operatives or distribution operations.

Skillweb can assist with customised data entry and to build engaging software solutions for your customers using our full range of SmartTask elements.

Demonstration Download

ET1, MC40


MSP Installation Barcodes

Manual Installation

Demonstration Instructions


Government, Healthcare, Professional & Consumer Services (Field Mobility), Retail/Hospitality, Transportation & Logistics, Wholesale Distribution

Application Type

Information lookup

Main User Interface

The user interface is a simple point at barcode and scan, the image is a typical output seen on the device after a successful scan.


Mobile Devices

ET1, MC40, ES400 and SB1

Contact Information

Zebra Solution Center

Email: solutioncenter@zebra.com

Motorola Channel Account Manager

James Pemberton          


Office Phone: +44(788)7782141

Skillweb Business Development Co-ordinator

Emma Ball


Office Phone: 08700 707077


Catherine Wei

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