Product Finder App by Retailware
About Retailware
Retailware Softech Pvt. Ltd. caters to the technology needs of retailers. The two major products are Retailware and JewelSoft.
1) Retailware addresses almost all the issues faced by modern day retailers and is positioned as the ultimate solution for retail stores.
2) JewelSoft Plus handles the intricacies of the jewellery retail trade and provides a secure and user friendly environment for the traditional as well as modern jewelers.
Team Retailware with 12 years of experience in servicing can understand the business of retail and the problems faced by Retailers in managing the business efficiently.
Hence we can provide Intelligent Solutions for Smart Retailers.
Relationship with Motorola
We are Motorola ISV partners with in house Motorola Centre of Excellence.
We developed few applications around Retailware on devices like DS9808, MC1000, MC3000, MC55, MT2090, ES400, MC2180 (Nano), SB1 (Using Rho elements)
About Product Finder App
Product Finder App is an assistant for retailers.
The purpose of this application is that when a customer asks for a particular product in a different variant (size or color), the store sales person scans the barcode tag on the selected product and tells if the required product is available in the desired variant from live database in an instant.
Demonstration Download
Application Type
HTML5 App - Product lookup
Main User Interface
Validated Mobile Devices
Demonstration Video
Retailware SB1 Product Finder (Device)
Retailware SB1 Product Finder (Emulator)
Contact Information
Zebra Solution Center
Motorola Channel Account Manager
Agarwal Pankaj
Office Phone: +91(224)2265800
Retailware Softech Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Ajit Thadhani
Office Phone: +91-9325402875

Catherine Wei