i am cordova developer and i am trying to create cordova plugin for TC53e-RFID device using SDK for our application
Currently, the problem is that the in-build reader is not being found
using context = cordova.getActivity().getApplicationContext();
readers = new Readers(context, ENUM_TRANSPORT.RE_SERIAL);
availableRFIDReaderList = readers.GetAvailableRFIDReaderList();
got error when run "readers.GetAvailableRFIDReaderList()"
also i directly tried to get ReaderDevice using ReaderDevice readerDevice12 = new ReaderDevice("RE40", "COM_PORT", new RFIDReader("RFIDTC53E", 921600, "RE_SERIAL"));
but still got same error.
can please suggest any case that can be use in our plugin and read data from Tag.
I faced one issue regarding USB cable.
if in-build reader is connected in "123RFID Mobile" or "HH sample" application and i connect cable in mobile then reader is auto disconnect.
please provide developer document for find in-build reader and how to connect reader.
i also checked 123RFID Mobile application for test, it is working fine as expected and i need to get same result using cordova plugin.
Thank you
1 Replies
I would have Expected this for RFID SDK V2.0.3.162 two seeks ago.
That RFID SDK is not compatible with the RE40E used on the TC53E-RFID - device.
Please use RFID SDK V2.0.4.177 for Android Studio - at this point.
(MAUI is being developed and expected later in End of Q1-Early-Q2 timeframe)
I have updated the TC53E-RFID to the up-to-date A13 (13.24.08 U00) <2025-01-17> and V2.0.4.177 HHSampleApp - works, as does 123RFID Mobile V2.0.4.177 from GMS Play Store.