How to discover RFD40 device that is attached to TC26 with 8-pin eConnex?

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E Eric Johanson 3 months 3 weeks ago
148 4 0

I am using the Android RFID SDK to interface from a Zebra TC26 to a RFD40 RFID handheld device. When the TC26 and RFD40 are connected via the 8-pin eConnex connector, the RFD40 Bluetooth functionality is automatically disabled, so I assume there as another API to connect to it. The question is what Android API to use to connect to the RFD40 via the 8-pin eConnex connector?

I don't even know what the 8-pin eConnex connector is. Is it a USB connection? It's not clear to me. If it is USB, then if you believe the documentation at then all you have to do is call: new Readers(activity,ENUM_TRANSPORT.ALL); and then use GetAvailableRFIDReaderList(). But this doesn't work. In fact, I've tried all the different transports available in ENUM_TRANSPORT, but none of them will discover the RFD40 device through the eConnex connector.

So where in the Zebra RFID SDK (com.zebra.rfid.api3 package) are the APIs to connect to an RFD40 via the 8-pin eConnex connector?

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4 Replies

I Ian Hatton

Not all Zebra handhelds have an 8 pin pogo pad on the back as standard - it is only fitted on specific SKU's. If you only have a 2 pin pogo pad then it will not be able to connect via eConnex as it requires all 8 pins in order to make a USB connection. Assuming you have the correct TC26 configuration then the tutorial info is correct i.e. the enumerate call should return a list of connected readers. 

You can confirm whether your hardware is working using the 123RFID Mobile app on Play (

E Eric Johanson

My RFID reader, adapter bracket, and TC26 Android device all have the 8-pin eConnex connector.  The device was not showing up in the Zebra 123RFID Mobile app when connected via the 8-pin eConnex.

I ended up contacting Zebra tech support.  The solution was to remove all the batteries from all the devices, and power them all up in a certain order.  Then it magically started working.  I asked the tech support guy about this because I would not want one of our customers to have this experience.  His response:

I have seen that on TC27 + RFD40_P and P+, and it is very annoying and it goes away. The RFD40_STD - has not done with with TC21+TC26 - and rarely with TC22 TC27.  I am uncertain how often is occurs on TC22 / TC27 - but I have noticed this on these devices for the eConnex sled use-case.  In some circumstances - this occurs when the RFD40+TC27 is put into a Charge-Only Cradle - and the RFD40 reaches full charge (123RFID Mobile - V162 .  Normally the RFD40 would Beep (if it was connected via BT and undocked to TC27 - with 006-R01 firmware.) With 007-R00 - there is no longer the haptics and this sometimes occurs after those events.  A power Cycle of just the RFD40 with no RFID SDK apps running - tends to clear it. <with both FW versions>.  Pulling the Battery on the RFD40 and TC27 is the last resort, if it never does detect the eConnex when docked.

As for the leading causes of the TC27 failing to find/connect to the RFD40P/P+  the TC27 charging the TC27 via the USB-C - while passively connected to the RFD40 (the RFD40 is not being charged at this point.) and the TC27 gets a full charge and then is disconnected from the USB-C - and then the RFD40 powered up by a battery insert - seems to be a factor.  If everything is brought up as a cold start where the RFD40 and TC27 (Battery out) have sat for ~ 20+ minutes - seems to be the best remedy according to some of my L2 team who have discussed this other customers/partners.

Obviously I'm not thrilled about this, because now our customers may need to navigate this problem if it happens to them, and of course they will blame our mobile app first.

S Sean Kennedy

Hi Eric.

Please make sure that your TC26 is running the Up-To-Date RFID SDK for Android, Xamarin (now defunct), and MAUI.

As well please make sure that the Firmware on the RFD40 device is running "006-R01" firmware or Higher - to have correct support for the eConnex connector.  If your app is older or uses only Bluetooth Connection for the RFID SDK - You will need to review the "SDKSample / HHSampleApp" demo found in the filesystem for the RFID SDK. The up-to-date versions of these support the eConnex Adaptor Sleds.  (ALSO FYI - Make sure that the Sled Adaptor - has the compatible eConnex Sled Carriers - these are device / platform specific.

B Brain George

To connect the RFD40 via the 8-pin eConnex connector, you likely need to use a different API from the Zebra RFID SDK that specifically handles the eConnex transport method, which is separate from the typical Bluetooth or USB transports. Subway Surfers Online

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